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New books from university presses

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(1) Morality at the Margins: Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya
Sarah Hillewaert
ISBN: 9780823286508
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(2) Mutant Neoliberalism: Market Rule and Political Rupture
Edited by William Callison and Zachary Manfredi; Contributor(s): Étienne Balibar, Sören Brandes, Wendy Brown, Melinda Cooper, Julia Elyachar, Michel Feher,
ISBN: 9780823285709
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(3) The Doctor and Mrs. A.: Ethics and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis
Sarah Pinto
ISBN: 9780823286669
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(4) The Philosophers' Gift: Reexamining Reciprocity
Marcel Hénaff; Translated by Jean-Louis Morhange
ISBN: 9780823286461
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(5) The Crisis of US Hospice Care: Family and Freedom at the End of Life
Harold Braswell
ISBN: 9781421429823
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(6) Ancient Knowledge Networks: A Social Geography of Cuneiform Scholarship in First-Millennium Assyria and Babylonia
Eleanor Robson
ISBN: 9781787355941
View at publisher (UCL Press)

(7) Feeding the Crisis: Care and Abandonment in America's Food Safety Net
by Maggie Dickinson (Author)
ISBN: 9780520307674
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(8) Back to America: Identity, Political Culture, and the Tea Party Movement
William H. Westermeyer
ISBN: 9781496208439
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(9) Disruptive Voices and the Singularity of Histories
Edited by Regna Darnell and Frederic W. GleachHistories of Anthropology Annual, Volume 13
ISBN: 9781496217691
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(10) Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist
Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt
ISBN: 9781496215543
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(11) Black Towns, Black Futures: The Enduring Allure of a Black Place in the American West
Karla Slocum
ISBN: 9781469653976
View at publisher (University of North Carolina Press)

(12) Hutu Rebels: Exile Warriors in the Eastern Congo
Anna Hedlund
ISBN: 9780812251449
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(13) Shiptown: Between Rural and Urban North India
Ann Grodzins Gold
ISBN: 9780812224573
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(14) For Money and Elders: Ritual, Sovereignty, and the Sacred in Kenya
Blunt, Robert W.
ISBN: 9780226655758
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(15) Going All City: Struggle and Survival in LA’s Graffiti Subculture
Bloch, Stefano
ISBN: 9780226493589
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)