University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) Emory as Place: Meaning in a University Landscape
By Gary S. Hauk
ISBN: 9-780-8203-5562-7
View at publisher (University of Georgia Press)

(2) Bauhaus Diaspora and Beyond: Transforming Education through Art, Design and Architecture
Edited by Philip Goad, Ann Stephen, Andrew McNamara, Harriet Edquist, and Isabel Wünsche
ISBN: 9780522875621
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(3) Gordon Walker: A Poetic Architecture
Grant Hildebrand
ISBN: 9781732821408
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(4) Stories in Stone: Travels through Urban Geology
David B. Williams
ISBN: 9780295746456
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(5) Chromatic Homes: A Design and Coloring Book
John I. Gilderbloom
ISBN: 9780813178837
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)