University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) Tar Wars: Oil, Environment and Alberta's Image
Geo Takach
ISBN: 9781772121407
View at publisher (University of Alberta Press)

(2) Germ Wars: The Politics of Microbes and America's Landscape of Fear
by Melanie Armstrong (Author)
ISBN: 9780520292772
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(3) Monkeytalk: Inside the Worlds and Minds of Primates
Fischer, Julia
ISBN: 9780226124247
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(4) Science, Conservation, and National Parks
Beissinger, Steven R.
ISBN: 9780226423005
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(5) Yellowstone and the Smithsonian: Centers of Wildlife Conservation
Diane Smith
ISBN: 9780700623891
View at publisher (University Press of Kansas)