University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) Towards Just and Sustainable Economies: The Social and Solidarity Economy North and South
Peter North; Molly Scott Cato
ISBN: 978-1447327233
View at publisher (Bristol University Press)

(2) Earth Repair: A Transatlantic History of Environmental Restoration
Marcus Hall
ISBN: 9780813941998
View at publisher (University of Virginia Press)

(3) Environmental Justice in Postwar America: A Documentary Reader
Christopher W. Wells, Paul S. Sutter
ISBN: 9780295743691
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(4) Racial Ecologies
Leilani Nishime, Kim D. Hester Williams
ISBN: 9780295743738
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(5) Climate in Motion: Science, Empire, and the Problem of Scale
Coen, Deborah R.
ISBN: 9780226752334
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(6) Dreamers, Visionaries, and Revolutionaries in the Life Sciences
Harman, Oren
ISBN: 9780226569901
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) The Waterless Sea: A Curious History of Mirages
Pinney, Christopher
ISBN: 9781780239323
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(8) Larry Schwarm: Kansas Farmers
Edited by Kate Meyer
ISBN: 9780700626557
View at publisher (University Press of Kansas)