University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Birdwatching in Maine: A Site Guide
Edited by Derek J. Lovitch
ISBN: 9781611687224
View at publisher (Brandeis University Press)

(2) Birdwatching in Maine: The Complete Site Guide
Derek Lovitch
ISBN: 9781684581993
View at publisher (Brandeis University Press)

(3) Blockchain in the Energy Sector: An Advancing Technology to Tackle Global Climate Change?
Alexander Freier. Preface by Reimund Schwarze and Alejandro Bernhard
ISBN: 9783838217178
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(4) Climate Finance: Taking a Position on Climate Futures
Gareth Bryant, Sophie Webber
ISBN: 9781788214629
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(5) Competing Climate Cultures in Germany: Variations in the Collective Denying of Responsibility and Efficacy
Sarah Kessler
ISBN: 9783837671438
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(6) Reflecting on Practices: New Directions for Spatial Theories
Edited by Friederike Landau-Donnelly, Hanna Carlsson, and Arnoud Largendijk
ISBN: 9781788215749
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(7) The Story of Earth's Climate in 25 Discoveries: How Scientists Found the Connections Between Climate and Life
Donald R. Prothero
ISBN: 9780231203586
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(8) Camera Geologica: An Elemental History of Photography
Siobhan Angus
ISBN: 978-1-4780-3018-8
View at publisher (Duke University Press)

(9) Escaping Nature: How to Survive Global Climate Change
Fred B. Dodson; Hannah L. Hayes; Norma J. Longo; Keith C. Pilkey; Orrin H. Pilkey; Charles O. Pilkey; Linda P. Pilkey-Jarvis
ISBN: 978-1-4780-2544-3
View at publisher (Duke University Press)

(10) Devoured: The Extraordinary Story of Kudzu, the Vine That Ate the South
Ayurella Horn-Muller
ISBN: 9780807182000
View at publisher (Louisiana State University Press)

(11) Melted Away: A Memoir of Climate Change and Caregiving in Peru
Barbara Drake-Vera
ISBN: 9780807181522
View at publisher (Louisiana State University Press)

(12) Land of Extraction: Property, Fracking, and Settler Colonialism
Rebecca R. Scott
ISBN: 9781479821266
View at publisher (New York University Press)

(13) Planting With Purpose: How Farmers Create a Resilient Food Landscape
Stephen Ellingson
ISBN: 9781479820665
View at publisher (New York University Press)

(14) Practicing Food Studies
Edited by Amy Bentley, Fabio Parasecoli and Krishnendu Ray; Foreword by Marion Nestle
ISBN: 9781479828098
View at publisher (New York University Press)

(15) Soft Science Sustainability: Educating for Otherwise Futures
Ragnhild Utheim
ISBN: 9781438496948
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(16) Toward Environmental Wholeness: Method in Environmental Ethics and Science
Patrick H. Byrne; SUNY series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
ISBN: 9781438496986
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(17) Tracking Capital: World-Systems, World-Ecology, World-Culture
Sharae Deckard; Michael Niblett; Stephen Shapiro; SUNY series, Literature . . . in Theory
ISBN: 9781438496832
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(18) Southern Rivers: Restoring America's Freshwater Biodiversity
R. Scot Duncan
ISBN: 9780817361280
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(19) Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography
by David E. Gilbert (Author)
ISBN: 9780520397767
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(20) Forests of Refuge: Decolonizing Environmental Governance in the Amazonian Guiana Shield
by Yolanda Ariadne Collins (Author)
ISBN: 9780520396074
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(21) Toxic Water, Toxic System: Environmental Racism and Michigan's Water War
by Michael Mascarenhas (Author)
ISBN: 9780520343870
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(22) Climate Games: Experiments on How People Prevent Disaster
Talbot M Andrews, Andrew W Delton, and Reuben Kline
ISBN: 9780472904297
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(23) Caring for Life: A Postdevelopment Politics of Infant Hygiene
Kelly Dombroski
ISBN: 978-1-5179-0160-8
View at publisher (University of Minnesota Press)

(24) Solar Adobe: Energy, Ecology, and Earthen Architecture
Albert Narath
ISBN: 978-1-5179-1407-3
View at publisher (University of Minnesota Press)

(25) Blueprint for Going Green: How a Small Foundation Changed the Model for Environmental Conservation
Gerald P. McCarthy
ISBN: 9780813950723
View at publisher (University of Virginia Press)

(26) Between the Tides in California: Exploring Beaches and Tidepools
Ryan P. Kelly, Terrie Klinger, Patrick J. Krug, and John J. Meyer
ISBN: 9780295752372
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(27) Fir and Empire: The Transformation of Forests in Early Modern China
Ian M. Miller. Foreword by Paul S. Sutter
ISBN: 9780295752877
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(28) Seeds of Control: Japan’s Empire of Forestry in Colonial Korea
David Fedman. Foreword by Paul S. Sutter
ISBN: 9780295752860
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(29) Sea Change: Charting a Sustainable Future for Oceans in Canada
Sumaila, Ussif Rashid
ISBN: 9780774869041
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(30) Endangered and Disappearing Birds of Appalachia and the Southeast
Matt Williams
ISBN: 9780813198361
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)