University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) New Orleans Carnival Balls: The Secret Side of Mardi Gras, 1870-1920
Jennifer Atkins
ISBN: 9780807167564
View at publisher (Louisiana State University Press)

(2) Searching for Mary Schäffer: Women Wilderness Photography
Colleen Skidmore
ISBN: 9781772122985
View at publisher (University of Alberta Press)

(3) Archives of Dispossession: Recovering the Testimonios of Mexican American Herederas, 1848–1960
Karen R. Roybal
ISBN: 9781469633824
View at publisher (University of North Carolina Press)

(4) The Labor of the Mind: Intellect and Gender in Enlightenment Cultures
Anthony J. La Vopa
ISBN: 9780812249286
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(5) Reinventing Hoodia: Peoples, Plants, and Patents in South Africa
Laura A. Foster
ISBN: 9780295742182
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)