University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) Financing Infrastructure: Who Should Pay?
Richard M. Bird; Enid Slack
ISBN: 9780773551473
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(2) Studying Arctic Fields: Cultures, Practices, and Environmental Sciences
Richard C. Powell
ISBN: 9780773551138
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(3) The Art of the City
Raffaele Milani; Corrado Federici
ISBN: 9780773551336
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(4) Communities and Crime: An Enduring American Challenge
Pamela Wilcox, Francis T. Cullen, and Ben Feldmeyer
ISBN: 9781592139743
View at publisher (Temple University Press)

(5) Liquid Capital: Making the Chicago Waterfront
Joshua A. T. Salzmann
ISBN: 9780812249736
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(6) How Places Make Us: Novel LBQ Identities in Four Small Cities
Brown-Saracino, Japonica
ISBN: 9780226361253
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)