University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Unlocking the Potential of Post-Industrial Cities:
Matthew E. Kahn and Mac McComas
ISBN: 9781421440828
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(2) Geographic Citizen Science Design: No one left behind
Edited by Artemis Skarlatidou and Muki Haklay
ISBN: 9781787356122
View at publisher (UCL Press)

(3) Teardown: Memoir of a Vanishing City
by Gordon Young (Author)
ISBN: 9780520377547
View at publisher (University of California Press)

(4) A Place More Void
Edited by Paul Kingsbury and Anna J. Secor
ISBN: 9781496222633
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(5) Citizens of Everywhere: Searching for Identity in the Age of Brexit
Gumbel, Peter
ISBN: 9781913368074
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(6) Dwelling on the Future: Architecture of the Seaside, Middle England and the Metropolis
D'Avoine, Pierre
ISBN: 9781787350540
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) Repurposing the Green Belt in the 21st Century
Bishop, Peter
ISBN: 9781787358867
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)