University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) The Child before the Court: Judgment, Citizenship, and the Constitution
Timothy Barouch
ISBN: 9780817320980
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(2) Gamboa's World: Justice, Silver Mining, and Imperial Reform in New Spain
Christopher Albi
ISBN: 9780826362957
View at publisher (University of New Mexico Press)

(3) Reconciling Truths: Reimagining Public Inquiries in Canada
Stanton, Kim
ISBN: 9780774866668
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(4) The Terms of Our Surrender: Colonialism, Dispossession and the Resistance of the Innu
Cassell, Elizabeth
ISBN: 9781912250455
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(5) The Supreme Court and the American Elite, 1789-2020: Expanded Second Edition
Lucas A. Powe
ISBN: 9780700632817
View at publisher (University Press of Kansas)