University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) El español y la lingüística aplicada:
Robert J. Blake and Eve C. Zyzik
ISBN: 978-1-62616-289-1
View at publisher (Georgetown University Press)

(2) Orphan Girl: A Transaction, or an Account of the Entire Life of an Orphan Girl by way of Plaintful Threnodies in the Year 1685. The Aesop Episode
Stanislawska, Anna
ISBN: 9780866985475
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(3) The Linguistic Roots of Europe: Origin and Development of European Languages
Mailhammer, Robert
ISBN: 9788763542098
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(4) Introduction to Spoken Standard Arabic: A Conversational Course with Online Media, Part 1
Shukri B. Abed; Contributions by Arwa Sawan
ISBN: 9780300222654
View at publisher (Yale University Press)

(5) Variations stylistiques: Cours de grammaire avancée
Diane M. Dansereau
ISBN: 9780300198461
View at publisher (Yale University Press)