University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Multimodal Participation and Engagement: Social interaction in the Classroom
Christine M. Jacknick
ISBN: 9781474455190
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(2) World Englishes at the Grassroots: Social interaction in the Classroom
Christiane Meierkord; Edgar W. Schneider
ISBN: 9781474467568
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(3) The Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde: An Annotated Selection
Oscar Wilde, Nicholas Frankel
ISBN: 9780674271821
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(4) The Soviet Jewish Bookshelf: Jewish Culture and Identity Between the Lines
Grinberg, Marat
ISBN: 9781684581313
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)