University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Principles of Argument Structure: A Merge-Based Approach
Chris Collins
ISBN: 9780262548274
View at publisher (MIT Press)

(2) Black Feminist Writing: A Practical Guide to Publishing Academic Books
Stephanie Y. Evans
ISBN: 9781438499260
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(3) In Search of Walid Masoud: A Novel
Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
ISBN: 9780815604587
View at publisher (Syracuse University Press)

(4) We Never Swim in the Same River Twice
Hassouna Mosbahi
ISBN: 9780815602859
View at publisher (Syracuse University Press)

(5) A Casebook of Decolonizing Pedagogical Practices for Second Language Teacher Education
Amy B. Gooden
ISBN: 9780472039784
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(6) A History of Violence: Photography and Writing as an Experience, Experiment and Insight
Ziegner, Kai
ISBN: 9783035806458
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) Last Words: Large Language Models and the AI Apocalypse
Kockelman, Paul
ISBN: 9781734643558
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(8) Whose Language Is English?
Jieun Kiaer
ISBN: 9780300264050
View at publisher (Yale University Press)