University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) One Planet, Many Worlds: The Climate Parallax
Dipesh Chakrabarty
ISBN: 9781684581573
View at publisher (Brandeis University Press)

(2) Boundless Winds of Empire: Rhetoric and Ritual in Early Choson Diplomacy with Ming China
Sixiang Wang
ISBN: 9780231205474
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) Death of a Discipline: Twentieth Anniversary Edition, Twentieth Anniversary Edition
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
ISBN: 9780231207232
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(4) Joseph Conrad and Material Culture: From the Rise of the Commodity Transcendent to the Scramble for Africa
Merry M. Pawlowski
ISBN: 9788322796382
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(5) Siegfried the Wrestler: The Wilhelmine World of a Colportage Novel
Peter S. Fisher
ISBN: 9783837666915
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(6) The Tarikh-i Ḥamidi: A Late-Qing Uyghur History
Musa Sayrami. Translated by Eric Schluessel
ISBN: 9780231210034
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(7) Turn the World Upside Down: Empire and Unruly Forms of Black Folk Culture in the U.S. and Caribbean
Imani D. Owens
ISBN: 9780231208895
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(8) Gothic Things: Dark Enchantment and Anthropocene Anxiety
Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock
ISBN: 9781531503420
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(9) In the company of wolves: Werewolves, wolves and wild children
Edited by Sam George and Bill Hughes
ISBN: 978-1-5261-7197-9
View at publisher (Manchester University Press)

(10) The Clockwork Testament or: Enderby's End: By Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess; Edited by Ákos Farkas
ISBN: 978-1-5261-6348-6
View at publisher (Manchester University Press)

(11) Confessions of an Immigrant's Daughter
Laura Goodman Salverson; Carl Watts
ISBN: 9780228018339
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(12) As If She Had a Say: Stories
Jennifer Fliss
ISBN: 9780810146259
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(13) Asian American Players: Masculinity, Literature, and the Anxieties of War: Masculinity, Literature, and the Anxieties of War
Audrey Wu Clark
ISBN: 9780814215449
View at publisher (Ohio State University Press)

(14) Designing Women: The Dressing Room in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Culture
Tita Chico
ISBN: 9781684484799
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(15) Historicizing the Enlightenment (2 Vol Set)
Michael McKeon
ISBN: 9781684484850
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(16) Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 1: Politics, Religion, Economy, and Society in Britain
Michael McKeon
ISBN: 9781684484713
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(17) Historicizing the Enlightenment, Volume 2: Literature, the Arts, and the Aesthetic in Britain
Michael McKeon
ISBN: 9781684484751
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(18) Another Eventful Autumn: Selected Poems
Fu Hao
ISBN: 9781937679989
View at publisher (Syracuse University Press)

(19) Cat, Dog, and Bird Songs
Emily Fragos, Stanley Moss
ISBN: 9781937679972
View at publisher (Syracuse University Press)

(20) The Bankruptcy: A Novel by Júlia Lopes de Almeida
Júlia Lopes de Almeida, edited by Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva, and translated by Cintia Kozonoi Vezzani and Jason Rhys Parry
ISBN: 9781800085664
View at publisher (UCL Press)

(21) Sustaining Air: The Life of Larry Eigner
Jennifer Bartlett; Contributions by George Hart
ISBN: 9780817360818
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(22) "This World Is Not My Home": A Critical Biography of African American Writer Charles Wright
W. Lawrence Hogue
ISBN: 9781625347077
View at publisher (University of Massachusetts Press)

(23) How the News Feels: The Empathic Power of Literary Journalists
Jonathan D. Fitzgerald
ISBN: 9781625347213
View at publisher (University of Massachusetts Press)

(24) Chocolate Woman Dreams the Milky Way: Mapping Embodied Indigenous Performance
Monique Mojica & Brenda Farnell
ISBN: 9780472076215
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(25) Racing the Great White Way: Black Performance, Eugene O’Neill, and the Transformation of Broadway
Katie N. Johnson
ISBN: 9780472075782
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(26) The Creativity Complex: Art, Tech, and the Seduction of an Idea
Shannon Steen
ISBN: 9780472056279
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(27) Viewers in Distress: Race, Gender, Religion, and Avant-Garde Performance at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
Stefka Mihaylova
ISBN: 9780472056323
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(28) A Different Trek: Radical Geographies of Deep Space Nine
David K. Seitz
ISBN: 9781496227997
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(29) My Side of the River: An Alaska Native Story
Elias Kelly
ISBN: 9781496235091
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(30) Twelve Days: How the Union Nearly Lost Washington in the First Days of the Civil War
Tony Silber
ISBN: 9781640125483
View at publisher (University of Nebraska Press)

(31) Life in Search of Readers: Reading (in) Chicano/a Literature
Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez
ISBN: 9780826333612
View at publisher (University of New Mexico Press)

(32) Solzhenitsyn and American Culture: The Russian Soul in the West
Edited by David P. Deavel and Jessica Hooten Wilson
ISBN: 9780268108267
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(33) Sons of Saviors: The Red Jews in Yiddish Culture
Rebekka Voß
ISBN: 9781512824322
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(34) Understanding Agatha Christie:
Tison Pugh
ISBN: 978-1-64336-441
View at publisher (University of South Carolina Press)

(35) Understanding Etheridge Knight, updated edition: With a New Preface
Michael S. Collins
ISBN: 978-1-64336-439
View at publisher (University of South Carolina Press)

(36) Biography: A Game
Frisch, Max
ISBN: 9781803092157
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(37) Starlite Terrace
Roth, Patrick
ISBN: 9781803092119
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(38) Serial Mexico: Storytelling across Media, from Nationhood to Now
Amy E. Wright
ISBN: 9780826505613
View at publisher (Vanderbilt University Press)