University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) Carboniferous Giants and Mass Extinction: The Late Paleozoic Ice Age World
George R. McGhee Jr.
ISBN: 9780231180979
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Foucault at the Movies
Michel Foucault, Patrice Maniglier, Dork Zabunyan. Translated and edited by Clare O'Farrell
ISBN: 9780231167079
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) Nature's Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology
Michael A. Flannery
ISBN: 9780817319854
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(4) Angels in Mourning: Sublime Madness, Ennui and Melancholy in Modern Thought
Bartra, Roger
ISBN: 9781780239729
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(5) Apples and Oranges: Explorations In, On, and With Comparison
Lincoln, Bruce
ISBN: 9780226564074
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(6) Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light: A Study of the Foundations of Modern Political Philosophy
Stauffer, Devin
ISBN: 9780226760124
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) Lao-Tzu, or the Way of The Dragon
Henke, Miriam
ISBN: 9783035800968
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(8) Philology of the Flesh
Hamilton, John T.
ISBN: 9780226572826
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(9) The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe: Brittleness, Integration, Science, and the Great War
Geroulanos, Stefanos
ISBN: 9780226556451
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)