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(1) Classical Chinese Medicine
Liu Lihong. Translated by Gabriel Weiss and Henry A. Buchtel with Sabine Wilms. Edited by Heiner Fruehauf
ISBN: 9789882370579
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Philosophy and Poetry: Continental Perspectives
Edited by Ranjan Ghosh
ISBN: 9780231187381
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) Messy Eating: Conversations on Animals as Food
Edited by Samantha King, R. Scott Carey, Isabel Macquarrie, Victoria Niva Millious and Elaine M. Power; Contributor(s): Neel Ahuja, Billy-Ray Belcourt, Mat
ISBN: 9780823283651
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(4) Patient Safety Ethics: How Vigilance, Mindfulness, Compliance, and Humility Can Make Healthcare Safer
John D. Banja
ISBN: 9781421429083
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(5) Distributions of the Sensible: Rancière, between Aesthetics and Politics
Scott Durham and Dilip Gaonkar
ISBN: 9780810140271
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(6) Kantian Transpositions: Derrida and the Philosophy of Religion
Eddis N. Miller
ISBN: 9780810140929
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(7) Lived Time: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Studies
Eugène Minkowski
ISBN: 9780810140592
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(8) The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity: Volume One: The Doctrine of God
I. A. Il'in
ISBN: 9780810126091
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(9) The Philosophy of Hegel as a Doctrine of the Concreteness of God and Humanity: Volume Two: The Doctrine of Humanity
I. A. Il'in
ISBN: 9780810126114
View at publisher (Northwestern University Press)

(10) Machado de Assis and Narrative Theory: Language, Imitation, Art, and Verisimilitude in the Last Six Novels
Earl E. Fitz
ISBN: 9781684481125
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(11) Novel Bodies: Disability and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature
Jason S. Farr
ISBN: 9781684481071
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(12) The Printed Reader: Gender, Quixotism, and Textual Bodies in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Amelia Dale
ISBN: 9781684481026
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(13) Death: A Reader
Edited by Mary Ann G. Cutter
ISBN: 9780268100537
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(14) Experimenting at the Boundaries of Life: Organic Vitality in Germany around 1800
Joan Steigerwald
ISBN: 9780822945536
View at publisher (University of Pittsburgh Press)

(15) Earthly Immortalities: How the Dead Live On in the Lives of Others
Moore, Peter
ISBN: 9781789140583
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(16) How We Became Our Data: A Genealogy of the Informational Person
Koopman, Colin
ISBN: 9780226626581
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(17) The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change over Time
Ben-Ze'ev, Aaron
ISBN: 9780226633909
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)