University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Beyond the Water’s Edge: How Partisanship Corrupts U.S. Foreign Policy
Paul R. Pillar
ISBN: 9780231213165
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Blurring Boundaries – ‘Anti-Gender’ Ideology Meets Feminist and LGBTIQ+ Discourses
Edited by Dorothee Beck, Adriano Habed, and Annette Henninger
ISBN: 9783847426844
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) Intimate Strangers: Arendt, Marcuse, Solzhenitsyn, and Said in American Political Discourse
Andreea Deciu Ritivoi
ISBN: 9780231168694
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(4) Perpetual Slavery
Ciarán Finlayson
ISBN: 9783982389448
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(5) The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America
Nicholas F. Jacobs and Daniel M. Shea
ISBN: 9780231211581
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(6) Women in Black: Against Violence, For Peace With Justice
Cynthia Cockburn and Sue Finch
ISBN: 9781773636412
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(7) Art and Technology in Maurice Blanchot: At the Threshold of Philosophy and Art
Holly Langstaff
ISBN: 9781399515474
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(8) Bergson in Britain: Philosophy and Modernist Painting, c. 1890-1914
Charlotte de Mille
ISBN: 9781474492386
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(9) Choose Your Bearing: Édouard Glissant, Human Rights, and Decolonial Ethics
Benjamin P. Davis
ISBN: 9781399522441
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(10) Critical Freedoms: Paragraph, Volume 46, Issue 3
Lisa Downing
ISBN: 9781399522410
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(11) Derrida's Politics of Friendship: Amity and Enmity
Luke Collison; Cillian Ó Fathaigh|Georgios Tsagdis
ISBN: 9781474486743
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(12) Gombrich: A Theory of Art: Philosophy and Modernist Painting, c. 1890-1914
Joaquin Lorda
ISBN: 9781399512572
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(13) Lady Justice: An Anatomy of Allegory
Valérie Hayaert
ISBN: 9781474487481
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(14) Objective Fictions: Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, Marxism
Adrian Johnston; Boštjan Nedoh|Alenka Zupančič
ISBN: 9781474489331
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(15) Poetics and the Gift: Reading Poetry from Homer to Derrida
Adam R. Rosenthal
ISBN: 9781474488419
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(16) Proust Between Deleuze and Derrida: The Remains of Literature
James Dutton
ISBN: 9781474490511
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(17) Recovering Classical Liberal Political Economy: Natural Rights and the Harmony of Interests
Lee Ward
ISBN: 9781399500609
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(18) Reforming the Law of Nature: Natural Law in the Reformed Tradition and the Secularization of Political Thought, 1532–1688
Simon P. Kennedy
ISBN: 9781474493994
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(19) Romantic Environmental Sensibility: Nature, Class and Empire
Ve-Yin Tee
ISBN: 9781474456487
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(20) The Philosophical Correspondence and Unpublished Writings of Francois Hemsterhuis: At the Threshold of Philosophy and Art
Francois Hemsterhuis
ISBN: 9781399525176
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(21) Sense and Singularity: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Interruption of Philosophy
Georges Van Den Abbeele
ISBN: 9781531503307
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(22) Learning to Imagine: The Science of Discovering New Possibilities
Andrew Shtulman
ISBN: 9780674248175
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(23) Religion as Make-Believe: A Theory of Belief, Imagination, and Group Identity
Neil Van Leeuwen
ISBN: 9780674290334
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(24) The Power of Placebos: How the Science of Placebos and Nocebos Can Improve Health Care
Jeremy Howick
ISBN: 9781421446387
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(25) State of Disappearance
Brad Evans; Chantal Meza
ISBN: 9780228018964
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(26) Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures
Edited by Jean-Paul Baldacchino and Christopher Houston; Contributions by Max Harwood, Gil Hizi, Michael Jackson, Muhammad Kavesh, Gisella Orsini, Nigel Ra
ISBN: 9781978837225
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(27) Climate, God and Uncertainty: A transcendental naturalistic approach beyond Bruno Latour
Arthur C. Petersen
ISBN: 9781800085947
View at publisher (UCL Press)

(28) Numinous Seditions: Interiority and Climate Change
Tim Lilburn
ISBN: 9781772127102
View at publisher (University of Alberta Press)

(29) Lowell L. Bennion: A Mormon Educator
George B. Handley
ISBN: 978-0-252-04539-4
View at publisher (University of Illinois Press)

(30) On the Perpetual Strangeness of the Bible: Michael Edwards
ISBN: 9780813950525
View at publisher (University of Virginia Press)

(31) How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology
Ball, Philip
ISBN: 9780226826684
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(32) What I Saw, Heard, Learned . . .
Agamben, Giorgio
ISBN: 9781803092980
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(33) Artists Remake the World: A Contemporary Art Manifesto
Vid Simoniti
ISBN: 9780300266290
View at publisher (Yale University Press)