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Political Science

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(1) From Resilience to Revolution: How Foreign Interventions Destabilize the Middle East
Sean L. Yom
ISBN: 9780231175647
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Mormonism and American Politics
Edited by Randall Balmer and Jana Riess
ISBN: 9780231165990
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) The Death Penalty in China: Policy, Practice, and Reform
Edited by Bin Liang and Hong Lu. Foreword by Roger Hood
ISBN: 9780231170079
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(4) Commons Democracy: Reading the Politics of Participation in the Early United States
Dana D. Nelson
ISBN: 9780823268399
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(5) Collaborative Governance Regimes:
Kirk Emerson and Tina Nabatchi
ISBN: 978-1-62616-252-5
View at publisher (Georgetown University Press)

(6) American Crossings: Border Politics in the Western Hemisphere
edited by Maiah Jaskoski, Arturo C. Sotomayor, and Harold A. Trinkunas
ISBN: 9781421418308
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(7) Rethinking the Administrative Presidency: Trust, Intellectual Capital, and Appointee-Careerist Relations in the George W. Bush Administration
William G. Resh
ISBN: 9781421418490
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(8) Fabricating the People: Politics and Administration in the Biopolitical State
Thomas J. Catlaw
ISBN: 9780817358150
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(9) Modern Organization
Victor A. Thompson; Introduction by Victor A. Thompson
ISBN: 9780817348380
View at publisher (University of Alabama Press)

(10) Gendered Militarism in Canada: Learning Conformity and Resistance
Edited by Nancy Taber; Foreword by Patricia Gouthro
ISBN: 9781772120844
View at publisher (University of Alberta Press)

(11) Secret Wars and Secret Policies in the Americas, 1842-1929
Friedrich E. Schuler
ISBN: 9780826344908
View at publisher (University of New Mexico Press)

(12) Avoiding Governors: Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina
Tracy Beck Fenwick
ISBN: 9780268028961
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(13) Participatory Democracy in Brazil: Socioeconomic and Political Origins
J. Ricardo Tranjan
ISBN: 9780268042400
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(14) Religious Responses to Violence: Human Rights in Latin America Past and Present
Edited by Alexander Wilde
ISBN: 9780268044312
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(15) Madam Chief Justice: Jean Hoefer Toal of South Carolina
edited by W. Lewis Burke, Jr. and Joan P. Assey
ISBN: 978-1-61117-692-6
View at publisher (University of South Carolina Press)

(16) A Shared Future: Faith-Based Organizing for Racial Equity and Ethical Democracy
Wood, Richard L.
ISBN: 9780226306025
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(17) Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy
Trawny, Peter
ISBN: 9780226303734
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(18) High-Stakes Schooling: What We Can Learn from Japan’s Experiences with Testing, Accountability, and Education Reform
Bjork, Christopher
ISBN: 9780226309415
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(19) The Political Origins of Inequality: Why a More Equal World Is Better for Us All
Reid-Henry, Simon
ISBN: 9780226236797
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(20) Being in the World: Dialogue and Cosmopolis
Fred Dallmayr
ISBN: 9780813166292
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)

(21) Freedom and Solidarity: Toward New Beginnings
Fred Dallmayr
ISBN: 9780813165783
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)

(22) In Search of the Good Life: A Pedagogy for Troubled Times
Fred Dallmayr
ISBN: 9780813166285
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)

(23) Integral Pluralism: Beyond Culture Wars
Fred Dallmayr
ISBN: 9780813166339
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)

(24) Return to Nature?: An Ecological Counterhistory
Fred Dallmayr
ISBN: 9780813166346
View at publisher (University Press of Kentucky)