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(1) From Life to Survival: Derrida, Freud, and the Future of Deconstruction
Robert Trumbull
ISBN: 9780823298730
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(2) Fitting the Facts of Crime: An Invitation to Biopsychosocial Criminology
Chad Posick, Michael Rocque, and J.C. Barnes
ISBN: 9781439919811
View at publisher (Temple University Press)

(3) Gangs on Trial: Challenging Stereotypes and Demonization in the Courts
John M. Hagedorn
ISBN: 9781439922316
View at publisher (Temple University Press)

(4) The Development of Political Institutions: Power, Legitimacy, Democracy
Federico Ferrara
ISBN: 9780472038985
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(5) Asylum Ways of Seeing: Psychiatric Patients, American Thought and Culture
Heather Murray
ISBN: 9780812253573
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)