University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Attraction, Love, Sex: The Inside Story
Simon LeVay
ISBN: 9780231204507
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Every Brain Needs Music: The Neuroscience of Making and Listening to Music
Larry S. Sherman and Dennis Plies With Illustrations by Susi B. Davis
ISBN: 9780231209106
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(3) The Couch, the Clinic, and the Scanner: Stories from Three Revolutionary Eras of the Mind
David Hellerstein
ISBN: 9780231207928
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(4) The Madman in the White House: Sigmund Freud, Ambassador Bullitt, and the Lost Psychobiography of Woodrow Wilson
Patrick Weil
ISBN: 9780674291614
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(5) The Varieties of Experience: William James after the Linguistic Turn
Alexis Dianda
ISBN: 9780674244276
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(6) Global Libidinal Economy:
Ilan Kapoor; Gavin Fridell; Maureen Sioh; Pieter de Vries
ISBN: 9781438493398
View at publisher (SUNY Press)