University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Psychoanalytic Politics: Jacques Lacan and Freud's French Revolution
Sherry Turkle
ISBN: 9780262548175
View at publisher (MIT Press)

(2) Psychoanalytic Politics, second edition, with a new preface: Jacques Lacan and Freud's French Revolution
Sherry Turkle
ISBN: 9780262548175
View at publisher (MIT Press)

(3) The Nature and Dynamics of Collaboration: Related Books
Paul F.M.J. Verschure
ISBN: 9780262548144
View at publisher (MIT Press)

(4) Neurodiversity in the Workplace: How neurodivergent individuals can find their place and thrive
Claire Farmer
ISBN: 9781805010470
View at publisher (University of British Columbia Press)