University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Minor Prophets for Living: Daily Prayers, Wisdom, and Guidance
Mark Lanier
ISBN: 9781481320986
View at publisher (Baylor University Press)

(2) Objective Religion: Freedom, Politics, Secularization
Edited by Byron R. Johnson
ISBN: 9781481319614
View at publisher (Baylor University Press)

(3) Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity
Stefan Heid
ISBN: 9780813237435
View at publisher (Catholic University of America Press)

(4) Liturgical Hermeneutics of Sacred Scripture
Marco Benini
ISBN: 9780813237190
View at publisher (Catholic University of America Press)

(5) Rethinking Cooperation with Evil: A Virtue-Based Approach
Ryan Connors
ISBN: 9780813237251
View at publisher (Catholic University of America Press)

(6) The Development of Dogma: A Systematic Account
Guy Mansini
ISBN: 9780813237459
View at publisher (Catholic University of America Press)

(7) Deathlife: Hip Hop and Thanatological Narrations of Blackness
Anthony B. Pinn
ISBN: 978-1-4780-2541-2
View at publisher (Duke University Press)

(8) The Coloniality of the Secular: Race, Religion, and Poetics of World-Making
Yountae An
ISBN: 978-1-4780-2510-8
View at publisher (Duke University Press)

(9) A Dictionary of Arabic Idioms and Expressions: Arabic-English Translation
El Mustapha Lahlali; Tajul Islam
ISBN: 9781399514330
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(10) The Alhambra at the Crossroads of History: Eastern and Western Visions in the Long Nineteenth Century
Edhem Eldem
ISBN: 9781399524872
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(11) The Umayyad Empire: Eastern and Western Visions in the Long Nineteenth Century
Andrew Marsham
ISBN: 9780748643004
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(12) Traces of the Prophets: Relics and Sacred Spaces in Early Islam
Adam Bursi
ISBN: 9781399522328
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(13) Turkish Paramilitarism in Northern Kurdistan: State Violence in the 1990s
Ayhan Işık
ISBN: 9781399505987
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(14) American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism
Edited by Katherine Dugan and Karen E. Park; Contributor(s): Adrienne Nock Ambrose, Lloyd Barba, James S. Bielo, Katherine Dugan, David J. Endres, Kay
ISBN: 9781531504885
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(15) Orthodox Christians and the Rights Revolution in America
A. G. Roeber
ISBN: 9781531505042
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(16) Shadows of Nagasaki: Trauma, Religion, and Memory after the Atomic Bombing
Edited by Chad R. Diehl; Contributor(s): Brian Burke-Gaffney, Chad R. Diehl, Anna Gasha, Anthony Richard Haynes, Michele M. Mason, Gwyn McClelland, To
ISBN: 9781531504960
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(17) The Moral Life: Eight Lectures
James F. Keenan
ISBN: 978-1-64712-3
View at publisher (Georgetown University Press)

(18) Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2
Edited by Stephen Mossman and Cordelia Warr
ISBN: 978-1-5261-78
View at publisher (Manchester University Press)

(19) Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
Mircea Eliade
ISBN: 9780691265025
View at publisher (Princeton University Press)

(20) Checkbook Zionism: Philanthropy and Power in the Israel-Diaspora Relationship
Eric Fleisch
ISBN: 9781978819948
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(21) Strictly Observant: Amish and Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women Negotiating Media
Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar
ISBN: 9781978805217
View at publisher (Rutgers University Press)

(22) Radical Assimilation in the Face of the Holocaust: Otto Heller (1897–1945)
Tom Navon; SUNY series in Contemporary Jewish Thought
ISBN: 9781438495910
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(23) The Power of Practice: How Music and Yoga Transformed the Life and Work of Yehudi Menuhin
Kristin Wendland; SUNY Press Open Access
ISBN: 9781438496030
View at publisher (SUNY Press)

(24) Dwelling in the Wilderness: Modern Monks in the American West
Jason M. Brown
ISBN: 9781595349798
View at publisher (Trinity University Press)

(25) Latter-day Saint Perspectives on Atonement:
Edited by Deidre Nicole Green and Eric D. Huntsman
ISBN: 978-0-252-045
View at publisher (University of Illinois Press)

(26) The Testimony of Two Nations: How the Book of Mormon Reads, and Rereads, the Bible
Michael Austin
ISBN: 978-0-252-045
View at publisher (University of Illinois Press)

(27) Biblical Judgments: New Legal Readings in the Hebrew Bible
Daphne Barak-Erez
ISBN: 9780472056583
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(28) Instrument of Memory: Encounters with the Wandering Jew
Lisa Lampert-Weissig
ISBN: 9780472133468
View at publisher (University of Michigan Press)

(29) The Difference Nothing Makes: Creation, Christ, Contemplation
Brian D. Robinette
ISBN: 9780268203535
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(30) The Eucharistic Form of God: Hans Urs von Balthasar's Sacramental Theology
Jonathan Martin Ciraulo
ISBN: 9780268202248
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(31) The Whole Mystery of Christ: Creation as Incarnation in Maximus Confessor
Jordan Daniel Wood
ISBN: 9780268203481
View at publisher (University of Notre Dame Press)

(32) An Economy of Strangers: Jews and Finance in England, 1650-1830
Avinoam Yuval-Naeh
ISBN: 9781512825053
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(33) And the Sages Did Not Know: Early Rabbinic Approaches to Intersex
Rabbi Sarra Lev
ISBN: 9781512825176
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(34) Christian Images and Their Jewish Desecrators: The History of an Allegation, 400-1700
Katherine Aron-Beller
ISBN: 9781512824100
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(35) Circumventing the Law: Rabbinic Perspectives on Loopholes and Legal Integrity
Elana Stein Hain
ISBN: 9781512824407
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(36) Peddlers, Merchants, and Manufacturers: How Jewish Entrepreneurs Built Economy and Community in Upcountry South Carolina
Diane Catherine Vecchio
ISBN: 978-1-64336-4
View at publisher (University of South Carolina Press)

(37) Confronting the Nation: Jewish and Western Nationalism
George L. Mosse
ISBN: 9780299346447
View at publisher (University of Wisconsin Press)

(38) Propaganda and Persecution: The French Resistance and the “Jewish Question”
Renée PoznanskiTranslated by Lenn J. Schramm
ISBN: 9780299345600
View at publisher (University of Wisconsin Press)

(39) Fasciculus Moralitatis: Omelie Morales de Infantia Saluatoris
of Heisterbach, Caesarius
ISBN: 9788024654508
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(40) Market Day
Závada, Pál
ISBN: 9781803091600
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)