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(1) Dancing Jacobins: A Venezuelan Genealogy of Latin American Populism
Rafael Sánchez
ISBN: 9780823263660
View at publisher (Fordham University Press)

(2) Remediation in Rwanda: Grassroots Legal Forums
Kristin Conner Doughty
ISBN: 9780812247831
View at publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)

(3) Forests Are Gold: Trees, People, and Environmental Rule in Vietnam
Pamela D. McElwee
ISBN: 9780295995489
View at publisher (University of Washington Press)

(4) City of Neighborhoods: Memory, Folklore, and Ethnic Place in Boston
Anthony Bak Buccitelli
ISBN: 978-0-299-30710-3
View at publisher (University of Wisconsin Press)

(5) Comparing Impossibilities: Selected Essays of Sally Falk Moore
Moore, Sally Falk
ISBN: 9780986132551
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(6) Doing Style: Youth and Mass Mediation in South India
Nakassis, Constantine V.
ISBN: 9780226327853
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) The Lost Paradise: Andalusi Music in Urban North Africa
Glasser, Jonathan
ISBN: 9780226327235
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(8) Tuked Rini, Cosmic Traveller: Life and Legend in the Heart of Borneo
Janowski, Monica
ISBN: 9788776941307
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)