University Press Alert


New books from university presses

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(1) About Canada: Health Care, 2nd Edition
Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong
ISBN: 9781552668252
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) The Penelope Project: An Arts-Based Odyssey to Change Elder Care
Anne Basting, Maureen Towey, Ellie Rose
ISBN: 9781609384135
View at publisher (University of Iowa Press)

(3) Bounding Biomedicine: Evidence and Rhetoric in the New Science of Alternative Medicine
Derkatch, Colleen
ISBN: 9780226345840
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(4) Regulating Romance: Youth Love Letters, Moral Anxiety, and Intervention in Uganda's Time of AIDS
Shanti Parikh
ISBN: 9780826517791
View at publisher (Vanderbilt University Press)

(5) Regulating Romance: Youth Love Letters, Moral Anxiety, and Intervention in Uganda’s Time of AIDS
Shanti Parikh
ISBN: 9780826517784
View at publisher (Vanderbilt University Press)

(6) Shaping the Healthy Community: The Nashville Plan
Gary Gaston and Christine M. Kreyling
ISBN: 9780826520951
View at publisher (Vanderbilt University Press)