University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) The Nature of Fear: Survival Lessons from the Wild
Daniel T. Blumstein
ISBN: 9780674916487
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(2) Voice, Choice, and Action: The Potential of Young Citizens to Heal Democracy
Felton Earls, Mary Carlson
ISBN: 9780674987425
View at publisher (Harvard University Press)

(3) Latour and the Humanities:
edited by Rita Felski and Stephen Muecke
ISBN: 9781421438900
View at publisher (Johns Hopkins University Press)

(4) The Mechanics of Passions: Brain, Behaviour, and Society
Alain Ehrenberg; Craig Lund
ISBN: 9780228003427
View at publisher (McGill-Queen's University Press)

(5) The Evolved Self
Lloyd Hawkeye Robertson
ISBN: 9780776629308
View at publisher (University of Ottawa Press)

(6) Identity in a Secular Age: Science, Religion, and Public Perceptions
Fern Elsdon-Baker; Bernard Lightman
ISBN: 9780822946281
View at publisher (University of Pittsburgh Press)

(7) The Angel in the Marketplace: Adwoman Jean Wade Rindlaub and the Selling of America
Wayland-Smith, Ellen
ISBN: 9780226486321
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)